About Us

Tech4Lawyers is a legal-technology company, started by attorney-technologist Zack Glaser, based out of Memphis, Tennessee. We were created in 2018 as a way to encourage attorneys to utilize technology to increase engagement with their clients and better realize operational efficiencies in their offices. We believe that by helping the legal field safely incorporate relevant technologies into common practice, we can broaden the reach and increase the effectiveness of the field as a whole. Collectively, we can widen the public’s access to justice.

Attorney-Client Relationship

The attorney-client relationship is at the heart of what we do. We don’t think that technology should be incorporated into your practice simply for technology’s sake. It should always be utilized with an eye toward increasing your value to your client, whether through better access, faster service, more effective representation, or more secure business practices.

This focus helps us keep ethical considerations in mind when designing solutions to problems. What good is an effective process if it potentially exposes your office to a Bar Complaint. We understand that this is always in the back of the minds of practicing attorneys, if not the first thing you think about when you are looking to make changes to your office.

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